Course Projects

This section includes all major projects done in Graduate level courses.

Motion Planning of a 6 DOF Robot Arm Manipulator

Course: Robot Motion Planning
Project Supervisor: Prof. Ashish Dutta

  • Used MATLAB to find the C-Space of a 3DOF & 2DOF Robot arm with obstacles.
  • Used sampling-based planners (A* Algorithm) for the path planning of a mobile robot in presence of obstacles.
  • Used Rapidly Exploring Random trees for path planning of a mobile robot.

Algorithm Study of Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization techniques

Course: Optimization Methods
Project Supervisor: Prof. Bhaskar Dasgupta

  • Analysed the performance of unconstrained optimization methods like Steepest Descent, DFP, BFGS and Powell’s Conjugate Direction.
  • Studied the effect of different parameters like initial point, modality and concluded the global convergence on 50 different test functions.
  • Linear and Quadratic Programming with Simplex, Active Set method and Lemke’s set method for multiple constraints was studied

Output feedback stabilisation of inverted pendulum

Course: Basics of Modern Control
Project Supervisor: Prof. Ramprasad Potluri

  • Implemented the research paper, ‘Output feedback stabilization of inverted pendulum on a cart in the presence of uncertainties’
  • Investigated the singularly perturbed form of the closed loop system including Extended High Gain Observers.
  • Used MATLAB and Visio to simulate and solve the steady state feedback equations and for Block Diagram visualization.

Helicopter Coupled Trim Analysis using MATLAB for a UH-60A Black Hawk helicopter

Course: Helicopter Dynamics & Aeroelasticity
Project Supervisor: Prof. Abhishek

  • Programmed a numerical solution to the combined blade-element/momentum theory (BEMT)
  • Used Newmark’s algorithm to solve the flap response equation numerically in a coupled trim solution.
  • Calculated all the blade hub shear forces and moments in the rotating frame of reference as a function of azimuth for a uniform inflow.
  • Performed the free flight coupled trim analysis for the same helicopter and found the variation of control angles, vehicle shaft angles and non-dimensional mean hub loads vs forward speed

Document Shredder & Automated Box Shifting Mechanism

Courses: TA201A, TA202A
Project Supervisors: Prof. S.K. Choudhary, Prof. Rajiv Shekhar

  • Deployed SolidWorks 2016 and AutoCAD 2015 for modelling the mechanisms.
  • Designed and fabricated the working prototypes using CNC machine, Lathe machine and Drilling machine.
  • Made a Costing Report, Business Plan and Marketing Brochure for the developed prototypes of the mechanisms.